About Us

SAFT Apologetics made public appearance on June 1, 2019. The goal of SAFT Apologetics is captured in our title - 'Seeking Answers Finding Truth' and is derived off inspiration from late Nabeel Qureshi's autobiography. We seek to stir conversations about the most important questions of mankind. To seek answers honestly is of utmost priority. We believe that the God who revealed His invisible attributes in nature (Romans 1:20) is close to those who seek Him honestly (Acts 17:27). The ultimate personification of truth was revealed in Christ and we believe that the honest seeker will encounter Truth- Christ Jesus. The initial area of engagement of SAFT was SAFT Podcast. Through SAFT Podcast we bring sound and relevant discussions about God and the case for belief in Him. We've featured some of the greatest defenders of Christianity like Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Frank Turek, Alisa Childers, Greg Koukl, Lydia McGrew, Mary Jo Sharp, J Warner Wallace, Nancy Pearcey and many others. Our speaking team also engages in making the case for Christianity beyond the podcasting platform by engaging with live audiences across languages.

From Founder's Desk

Back in March (2019), right off the back of an adrenaline rush of the intellectually stimulating world of Christian apologetics, I shared the interest with my two close friends about starting a YouTube channel to present matters in the field of apologetics to netizens. Though it seemed out of the blue, it had been brewing in my heart for some time.

Time for a flashback.

My introduction to the field of apologetics took place right when I was a kid, albeit I didn’t know the first thing about apologia. There were questions about “how long did it take God to create the earth” and “whether God wrote our names in the Book of Life after we accepted Christ or even before our birth” (it was a while back that I recalled this and noticed that I had pondered about the highly debated topic of predestination!). My parents were all into honouring and hosting servants of the King and hence I had multiple instances where I sat at the feet of and listened to one of the maestros of Christian apologetics, erudite author, profound theologian, and expert orator Kerala has ever produced – Pastor K O Thomas. Since then debates and lectures on biblical topics would invigorate me into attending them.

But as I said, I didn’t know what apologetics was nor how it helped further the cause of the Good News. Until late 2017.

My long- time mentor, friend, and spiritual father-figure Pastor Jerin Thomas (Canada) pitched the idea of cultivating a habit in reading, particularly in apologetics and theology to make my solo time in hostel productive. That’s when I decided to give apologetics a proper try. I began with getting my hands on McDowell classics like More than a carpenter and Evidence that demands a verdict and Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ.

And there I was. Thrilled by the field of Christian apologetics. Satisfied with how it defended my faith. Wondering why I didn’t start early. Stunned by the plethora of resources out there. Excited to see the Amazon delivery agent soon. Thankful to God for introducing me at the right time.

…And we’re back in.

When I knew God was asking me to start a Christian initiative (of sorts, at least that’s how I saw it back then) I asked him “Why me?”.

Christian apologetics, in my eyes, wasn’t a field that was in a severe dearth of organisations, speakers, history or resources. In fact, since the second century A.D apologists , like Justin Martyr, were prominent. So, God, I asked, what can I, someone who is new to the field, do? His response was a gem that I’ll cherish and impart for the rest of my life;

“I am the gardener. Just be the plant. I’ll grow it. I know how everything will fit into the garden at the end.”

So prayerfully with the support of my friends, I started SAFT Apologetics. We decided podcasts were the way to go ahead and SAFT Podcast was born. Down the line, as they had to part ways with SAFT, God sovereignly brought Ankit (you might know him as Piyush) into the team. Being from a missionary family that has been at the helm of advancing the gospel through India Campus Crusade for Christ in varied positions, the support and guidance Ankit brought were invaluable.

So we carried on. Our trust was, since inception, placed in the One with whom there is no turning of shadows (James 1:17). We knew that the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), the One who called us will lead us to fruition, a truth best captured in the words of Hudson Taylor:

“God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply.”

As we begin a new phase of our journey, we invite you to join hands with us as we spearhead this mission for our God and Soli Deo Gloria; and we shout:

‘Onwards to God!’

In service of the King,

Jacob Varghese


To make the case for and defend our faith in the Triune God of the Bible using the tool of apologetics in a manner that can be grasped and incorporated by any lay-man so that they may be equipped.


To break the language and accessibility barrier and make apologetics resources within easy reach for all communities in India and beyond.

Our Core Team

Jacob Varghese


Jacob completed his Master's in Economics and is involved with church and youth ministry (ICPF, India Campus Crusade for Christ, PYPA). He simultaneously serves in various key apologetics roles with Reasonable Faith, Grey Cells and ICPF SOAR. He is also an alumni of ADF Arete Academy and Cross Examined Instructor Academy. His academic interest lies at the intersection of Theology, Philosophy and Economics. He loves The Office, music, cricket and is a fan of coffee- black or cream!! Jacob remains engaged in academic research while working in business development field in Dubai.

Ankit Nayak

Executive Director

Ankit loves to share the Gospel and indulge in deep conversations about the Bible. Using latest technology for sharing about God excites him the most! He has completed various courses such as Arête Academy, Rave Lifestyle Journey, Graduate Evangelism Training Programme, a diploma in theology (about discipleship and the book of Galatians) and many others. Right now he works in the field of data science and analytics. He loves to explore all sorts of food, is a coffee enthusiast and is a passionate singer/guitar player.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of SAFT comprises of God ordained individuals who serve as pastors of prominent churches, leaders and senior staff of global evangelistic ministries and evangelists who are trailblazers for God's Kingdom who have volunteered to mentor, supervise and hold accountable the leadership, management and operations of SAFT Apologetics. The involvement of the Members of the Advisory Board in no way reflects endorsement or involvement of their ministries or churches unless stated otherwise by the concerned Advisory Board Member and SAFT Apologetics. (The following list of Advisory Board Members is not exhaustive)

Neil Reuben

Chairman, SAFT Advisory Board; Manager SAIACS Regional Centre, Mysore

Brian Auten

Founder-Emeritus, Apologetics315

Jerin Thomas

Global Mission Catalyst, WCD of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Canada

Pradeep Cherian

Project Manager, SAP Labs India

Rinu Mathew

Senior People Partner, Blink Health


I have been so impressed with the work SAFT team has been doing to bring apologetics awareness to India! It has been a joy to follow them and pray for them as they fulfill the Great Commission by bringing reasoned arguments in defense of the Christian faith.
Alisa Childers

Author: Another Gospel?

Does truth exist? If it does, what is the truth? Where can we find answers to life’s most meaningful questions? If you are seeking answers, I highly commend the team at SAFT (Jacob Varghese, Ankit Nayak and Steven John). Displaying the utmost gentleness and respect, they use reason and evidence to show that the answer to life’s most important questions can be found in the Christian faith. The team at SAFT are not afraid to tackle the hardest questions confronting Christianity with courage and clarity in their responses. The insight they provide is top-notch filled with academic rigor and a warm-hearted compassion for those who desire to find the truth.
Fazale 'Fuz' Rana

President and CEO, Reasons To Believe

I love SAFT Apologetics! I had the privilege to closely connect with SAFT Apologetics from its very inception. I have known SAFT's Founder Jacob Varghese and his teammate Steven John for ten years from my ICPF days in UAE. It is a great joy for me to witness their growth and passion for punching holes in the darkness. Jacob is not only a strategic thinker; he is a practitioner in apologetics, a young man not only well-read but well-practiced. I pray that Jacob, Steven, and Ankit, through SAFT would equip both young and old to defend the truth of God’s word and reach the nations for His glory. I highly commend them to you.
Jerin Thomas

Global Mission Catalyst, WCD Of The Christian And Missionary Alliance, Canada

SAFT Apologetics has risen to the challenges of skepticism and doubt in today’s culture by giving thoughtful answers and meaningful response through their excellent ministry. The team at SAFT has a heart for the Gospel, a passion for the truth, and compassion for our world which is evident in their gracious engagement. They are building a great resource and a much-needed ministry.
Brian Auten

Founder-Emeritus, Apologetics315

The world needs more SAFT Apologetics! As the Global Chapters Director for Reasonable Faith, I'm thrilled to see such a dedicated and exuberant team putting out great content and regularly hosting interviews with amazing scholars. I give this ministry my full recommendation! Subscribe, watch, like, and share!
Tyson James

Global Chapters Director, Reasonable Faith

SAFT is an awesome ministry birthed out of a genuine passion to make biblical truths relevant to both the sceptics and the seekers of the now generation. SAFT is making their presence felt with authentic content that is very resourceful and relevant for these times. The vibrant team at SAFT has a great desire to see people embracing truth through intellectual engagement and genuine compassion. This ministry is definitely rising to meet the challenges of the hour.
Pr Binu Thampy

Senior Pastor, Equippers Kolkata

“And you will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will make you free” John 8:32 (NASB). The reality of this 21st century is that more than 50% of the World Population lives with a Postmodern mindset, which doesn’t believe, accept or, support the facts of Absolute Truths. This generation strongly adheres to the belief system based on radical reasoning, thus it raises the bar of need to present the Truth in a more appropriate and convincing way, helping one to respond to the TRUTH rather than reject/react to the facts of the TRUTH. I congratulate and affirm the “SAFT” Team for successfully completing the 1st milestone of success. My Best Wishes, Prayers and Blessings goes with the SAFT team as they relaunch the website to carry the vision to preserve and prevail the TRUTH in this drifting generation, helping people to move from a hopeless end to endless hope and a meaningless life to a meaningful life.
P Anupam Nayak

Executive Board Member & Regional Strategy Leader, Southeast South Asia, Jesus Film Project

We are living in a time when the defense of the Gospel is most needed. In this context, it is a real blessing to see a new generation stepping into this mission field. I am very happy to recall the occasions when I got the opportunity to host Brother Jacob Varghese (Founder, Director of the SAFT) as a guest speaker at online Apologetics events, which I happened to organize. With interviews with world-renowned apologists and training programs for the general faith community SAFT is marching forward. I wish them all success in the future and may God use them mightily to lead many to the truth and to enrich the spiritual lives of many.
Denish Sebastian

Factual Faith

We are living at a time where people would just do based on what they feel is right or be dogmatic about what they think is wrong. I am excited to recommend to you an important different adventure charted by my friends at SAFT. SAFT invites the next generation on a journey towards ‘seeking answers; finding truth’. What’s different about SAFT? Firstly, It’s a young team committed to engage with the next generation using terms and words which is real and relevant to them. Secondly, SAFT invites us to a journey. A journey of seeking, conversation and discovery of God’s love.
Pr Jacob Mathew

Associate Pastor, AG Kolkata

SAFT Apologetics has interviewed and interacted with some of the best Christian apologists of our time. They explore numerous topics that will inform your mind and enrich your heart as you walk with Christ. I have had the privilege to interact with this great apologetics ministry, and if you are someone who‘s interested in learning more about apologetics or if you just want to get answers to intriguing and thorny questions, then I highly recommend SAFT Apologetics.

Founder, whowasmuhammed.org

Having closely worked with Jacob Varghese through ICPF, I am glad that he and his team are putting their full passion and energy in helping people defend the gospel accurately. The kind of resources and topics covered here highlight key issues around the world today and would help people of all backgrounds to understand the authenticity of God’s Word. I highly recommend referring to their forums and media, not only for those interested in apologetics but for Christians interested in learning how to creatively bring the Christian voice into cultural conversations today. This is the forum on apologetics that the world has been waiting for.
Elvin Gerzim

Associate Staff Worker, ICPF UAE

SAFT Apologetics is a fantastic platform connecting Christian scholars in their relevant fields as well as ground level apologists to normal people. Jacob and his team are doing a fantastic job interviewing big names and asking them normal peoples questions. They cover a diverse range of topics suitable for those beginning in the field of apologetics or those wanting to plug the gaps in their knowledge.


If you are looking for a young, fresh and authentic apologetics ministry, SAFT is the way to go! Jacob and his team respond to the key questions skeptics ask with great clarity and an honest desire to see Christ glorified!


Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;

And in Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Eternal Word manifested in the flesh, His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; the third day He rose from the dead;

He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who is the Third Person of the Godhead, the holy catholic church1, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting2.

We believe the sixty–six books of the Old and New Testament Scripture alone to be verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original text, and that they alone are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of every human being and thus offers salvation as a free gift based on grace alone. We believe justification is a judicial act of God's grace wherein He acquits a person of all sin and accepts that person as righteous in His sight because of the imputed righteousness of Christ. Justification is strictly a work of God's grace, apprehended through faith alone, and solely on the account of Christ.

We believe Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. And since Christ has commissioned His people, the church, to go into all the world to disciple, to baptize, and to teach everyone everywhere to obey His Word, we desire, by His grace, to play our part in reaching the world with the Gospel of Christ.

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will return to this earth, personally, bodily, and visibly to establish his glorious reign in a kingdom that will never end. As the sovereign Lord, He will resurrect and judge all humanity. Those who have received His offer of life through the Gospel will go to eternal blessings in heaven; those who have rejected it, to eternal conscious torment in hell.

We look forward to the blessed hope, Christ's Second Coming in glory. Amen.

1 Here ‘catholic church’ (Greek- Katholikos) refers to the ‘universal church’ which represents the body of Christ, where all saints are part by salvation through faith alone and whose head is Christ our Lord. 2 This excerpt (until ‘life everlasting’) is based on the Apostle’s Creed, a statement of orthodox Christian faith, traceable to 140 AD.